Improve your Yoga and Meditation Practices with Tula Blue

Tula Blue is yoga jewelry powered by crystals
Wellness Inside + Out: Improve your Yoga and Meditation Practices with Tula Blue
Get Started, Stay with it, and Amplify Benefits
There’s more to Tula Blue jewelry than meets the eye. All our purposeful pieces – from our stackable necklaces, bracelets, and anklets to our earrings – are meant to not only beautify your life but ideally improve it, by not just embodying but resonating with balance, inner strength, calmness, and love. These are four things all of us at Team Tula strive for in both our personal – and professional – lives.
We’ve incorporated many practices to achieve these qualities – but it’s meditation and yoga that have been the most impactful. And, we don’t leave Tula Blue behind when practicing either. Our favorite pieces of Tula Blue crystal jewelry, in our humble opinion, can - not only improve these practices – but also serve as a constant reminder of the qualities that we strive for. After all, Tula is Sanskrit for balance! That’s why Tula Blue has been designed to be not only the perfect yoga jewelry – but also the perfect meditation jewelry.
Because we find both practices in alignment with Tula Blue’s ethos – as well as our crystal jewelry - we wanted to share more on the topic in the hopes that you, too, will start – or deepen – your practice.

Tula Blue pebble bracelets can improve your yoga practice
Why Yoga?Yoga can improve your overall well-being both physically and mentally. From a physical standpoint, you can experience improved flexibility, enhanced strength, better muscle tone, and chronic pain relief. From a mental standpoint, yoga is a powerful tool for managing stress. The physical positions combined with breathing exercises promote relaxation and reduce stress hormones. Yoga elevates mood and boosts your overall sense of calm and peace. One of the biggest benefits of yoga is that it can balance the nervous system – as it helps regulate both the sympathetic and parasympathetic systems. What’s more, yoga cultivates mindfulness which improves your ability to focus, concentrate, and stay in balance. As if these weren’t beneficial enough, yoga can improve your sleep.

Tula Blue crystal pendants make great yoga jewelry
Developing a Yoga PracticeWith all these benefits, it’s surprising not everyone is doing yoga! Truthfully, we’ve struggled in the past as well to stay consistent, as it’s easy to trade in for more time in a busy day that demands our attention. Here are a few tips regarding what’s helped us stay in the flow.
Determine which type of Yoga resonates with you.
Not all yoga is created equally. There is a broad range of yoga styles with varying focus and intensity. We recommend trying different types to identify which type most suits you. From vinyasa yoga which flows quickly between poses to slow yin yoga which finds you holding a single pose for several minutes, there are so many different nuances to each. When you find the right style, it will be easier to stay with it. Of course, restorative yoga is great for all – so don’t miss out on giving this a try too!
Explore yoga from anywhere.
The community element to finding a studio you like can encourage regular practice. And if you are new, it is extremely beneficial to obtain first-person feedback from an instructor. However, don’t let this stop you. In recent years, online yoga has become far more prevalent – with a variety of different teachers. Overwhelmed? We recommend giving Yoga with Adrianne a try!
Take it slow and focus on form.
Regardless of the style of yoga you practice, we can’t recommend starting slow and focusing on doing the poses correctly. Make your focus upon proper alignment – and always listen to your body. Don’t push yourself into something that could cause you to associate yoga with injury. Use your intuition and listen to your body. Take rests when needed, warm up before practice, and stay connected.
Don’t skip the props + keep your eyes on your own mat
Yoga isn’t a competition. Rather than looking around the room and grading yourself, we recommend staying grounded and focused on you. Just because the person on the mat next to you can do a perfect Triangle pose, if you need to use a block, then that’s perfect for you. Yoga is a journey, not a destination. Enjoy the ride!
Amplifying your focus and intentions: crystals + yoga
For centuries, yogis have turned to crystals during their practice because they can enhance your practice. Crystals create a calming and inspiring atmosphere that sets the tone for practice and a constant reminder of the energy you wish to channel.
While there’s no scientific evidence to support the existence of the properties in crystal – from focus in quartz to protective moonstone, ancient cultures have long associated crystals with both healing and spiritual properties.
Regardless of what you believe, there’s no denying crystals can enhance your yoga – if not spiritually, then mentally.
Crystals add a point of focus and a symbolic meaning. And beautiful Tula Blue crystal yoga jewelry can add beauty to your practice, all of which improve your experience. If you keep your mind open to their energetic properties, even the placebo effect of this belief can trigger positive changes like balance or relaxation, deepening your practice.
We choose a crystal that aligns with our intention our practice. Whether it is rose quartz for self-love or amethyst for focus, a crystal can be a powerful way to manifest the energy you wish to channel. Before a class, try picking your yoga jewelry with purpose by using your intuition and then spend a few minutes at the beginning of practice meditating on that energy.
There are many ways to incorporate crystals into yoga, but often, the most effective is when the crystal in in contact with your body – keeping it close to your energy field. Many believe wearing them on your skin enables you to benefit most from their vibrational energy – particularly on a chakra. Tula Blue crystal pendants sit near your throat and heart chakras making them a great choice for yoga jewelry.
That’s why we love wearing Tula Blue crystal jewelry to class. It’s become an important part of our ritual prior to – and during – our yoga classes. We love donning our favorite pendant necklaces that never get in the way and are always close to our hearts. And Tula Blue’s Pebble Bracelets are easy for us to focus on during our poses, especially during shavasana.
Whether it’s larimar or pyrite, we trust our intuition and choose the crystals that we feel drawn to at that specific moment.

Tula Blue jewelry is the best yoga
Picking the best jewelry for yogaWhether or not you believe in the power of crystals, we can all agree that beautifying your space and your life leads to more positive thoughts and intentions. That’s why we always spend a few minutes choosing Tula Blue jewelry each day to do just that – whether we are heading to the office or to the yoga studio.
When it comes to yoga, the best jewelry for yoga is minimalist, comfortable, and non-distracting. Tula Blue fits all these criteria, as it’s been designed to move with you beautifully – regardless of the yoga pose! We think Tula Blue is not only metaphysically aligned with yoga – but it makes the perfect yoga jewelry because it’s so comfortable, that you never realize it’s on.
Ultimately, the best yoga jewelry is what resonates most with you. We personally love a subtle stack to keep us connected and in the flow. We tend to leave our earrings and anklets behind – but stack on the bracelets. A beautiful glimpse of a Tula Blue bracelet stack throughout a class brings a joyful smile to every practice.
Meditation + Yoga:
Yoga and meditation are deeply linked – sharing a long history and philosophy. Both originate from ancient traditions focused on achieving physical, mental, and spiritual wellness. While yoga prepares the body and mind for meditation, meditation, and specifically the mindfulness cultivated during it, helps you deepen your yoga practice.
Both yoga and meditation result in self-awareness, inner peace, focus, a quiet mind, and an increased ability to concentrate. While you can practice them separately, they are more powerful together.
Want to get into the flow? Then definitely consider both.

Tula Blue pebble bracelets can improve your meditation practice
Why Meditation?Meditation isn’t just for your mental benefit – but your physical as well as it’s no secret the two are tightly related. The benefits of meditation include the ability to lower stress hormones, promote feelings of calm, reduce anxiety, improve your focus and creativity, improve sleep, and give you greater resilience as you can better manage your emotions and focus your attention on what matters. We consider mediation our superhero power – with it, we can cope with any situation!
Developing a Practice:
Let’s be honest. It’s easier to develop a yoga practice than a meditation practice. Many of us on the Tula team struggle but are committed to growing a successful practice.
So, here are some tips we’ve found successful in getting us closer to our goal.
Start Small
Don’t go all in all at once. This means you, Type A personalities! Start with short mediation sessions, from 3 – 5 minutes, and then gradually increase that duration. You’ll be shocked at how quickly and easily your session duration will grow. Studies have shown even 2 minutes of meditation has a positive effect – so no need to go overboard.
It’s all about routine
Set aside a specific time of day to meditate. Some of us love an early morning gratitude meditation, others a mid-day de-stress, and finally, others of us find a bedtime meditation helps us release the day. Find what resonates with you and stick with it. Another favorite hack is to schedule the meditation on your calendar to ensure you hold space for it. Your mental health is important – make time for it.
Get comfortable – but not too comfortable
When you meditate, it’s important to be in a quiet, cozy place. But stay seated. Lying down in bed is a gateway to a nap – not a meditation. Like yoga, you should maintain good posture.
Be easy on yourself
Learning to stop your thoughts and keep your mind from wandering isn’t easy. Don’t get frustrated if you don’t take to it quickly. Be gentler and kinder to yourself, focus on your breath, and gently bring your attention back to your breath if you find your mind wandering. Learning to meditate takes time and practice.
Find an app – and a practitioner - you like
There are so many different apps online – it’s a good idea to try a few before you commit. We’ve found we are partial to certain voices, accents, and even sounds, depending on the person. Many of us are big fans of Calm and Headspace – which are both great ways to learn the fundamentals of meditation. Find something that works and stick with it. Even though it is difficult, you’ll experience benefits from meditation #1.

Crystals Are the Perfect Meditation Jewelry
One of the easiest ways to incorporate crystals into your life – and benefit from their use – is to add them to your meditation practice. There’s a long history stretching over thousands of years using crystal meditation jewelry to achieve a higher state of consciousness.
Not only can crystals help you heighten your awareness, but they can reinforce your intentions as a talisman representing the properties you want to focus upon during your meditation.
There are many ways to use crystals during meditation – whether you hold them or place them on your body. An easy way to incorporate crystals is to wear a pebble bracelet that you can also use as a mala. And a well-placed crystal pendant is always closest to your heart. Before meditating, we set our intention using the crystal as a guide for focus and to allow its metaphysical energy to support our practice. While meditating, we often visualize the crystal’s energy surrounding us and channeling through us as a beautiful, colored light. Finally, we focus our breath on the crystal’s energy when our mind wanders.
We purposefully choose a Tula Blue crystal pendant and bracelet to wear as jewelry for meditation, based on what we want to achieve. A few of our go-to favorites for meditation jewelry are amethyst for inner peace, labradorite for manifestation, onyx for grounding, quartz for clarity, rose quartz for self-compassion, and moonstone for spiritual connection.

Creating a regular meditation and yoga practice is a powerful way to live your life in tula (balance)! Incorporating crystals with Tula Blue yoga jewelry and meditation jewelry is a simple, effective way to benefit from the use of crystals for their metaphysical properties and to improve your practice.
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